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Опубликовано 2002-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Сопоставление гласноподобных звуков младенцев и гласных взрослой речи
А. П. Самокищук
А.П.Самокищук 'Сопоставление гласноподобных звуков младенцев и гласных взрослой речи' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Науки о Жизни, 2002. #4. С.35-41.
Аннотация The aim of study was the comparative analysis of acoustic parameters of adults' speech vowels and infant's vowel-like sounds. In consistence with previous data it was shown that infant's sounds compared to adult', exhibits higher fundamental and formant frequencies. Moreover, in two-formant plane the formants' values of the vowel-like sounds overlapped in the high-frequency region of the different adult' vowel categories. As result preverbal vocalization are not characterized by the vowel-specific formant patterns in contrast with adults' one. Comparative spectral analysis of vowel-like phonetically distinct sounds ([a]- and [u]-like) reveals statistically significant differences (p


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