Равиль Калмыков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2021-04-27 Опубликовано на SciPeople2021-04-27 09:42:51 ЖурналEconomic professional magazine (ru)

The Theory of Multi-Storey Market
Аннотация At present, the degree of formalization in market economy research in the context of active operation of norms and averages is limited by the low degree of homogeneity of the mass of market objects. The solution to the problem lies in the layer-by-layer dissection of the market in accordance with the vertical stratification of the population's income and the isolation of stable autonomous floors of consumption. The consumer market, together with the production and distribution infrastructure focused on it, appears as a vertically built discrete multi-storey structure, very convenient for floor-by-floor research.

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