Резюме Публикации

Игорь Альбертович Паршиков

PhD, ст.н.с.    /    Россия, Москва

Научных работ (ВСЕГО – 96):
http://igorcen.web.fc2.com/catal.html |

Научные интересы


Features of Antitumor and Antimalarial Artemisinins Biotransformations

Igor A. Parshikov
This book describes examples of the use of microbial technologies for the preparation of artemisinins derivatives. Some examples of the formation of various metabolites depending on the composition of the nutrient medium are considered. The production of new artemisinins derivatives with...

Микроорганизмы в химии азотистых гетероциклов

Паршиков Игорь Альбертович
Монография посвящена микробиологическим методам получения органических соединений из ряда азотистых гетероциклов (азааренов, хинолонов и насыщенных азотистых...

Microorganisms in Chemistry of Terpenoids

Igor A. Parshikov
The monograph describes microbial technologies for obtaining of derivatives of terpenoids. Obtaining new derivatives of terpenoids, including artemisinin derivatives with increased antimalarial activity, is an important goal of research in microbial biotechnology and medicinal chemistry.
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